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Production Company
Production Company
Minor Actor
Minor Actor
Minor's Parent
Minor's Parent
School Principal
School Principal
A Production company decides
to hire one or more minors as
actors on it's set.
A Minor is shortlisted and their
parents are contacted for consent.
If interested, the minor and parent provide their details for the record,
before any interaction with the School Principal and the District Issuing Officer.
Company chalks out the tentative
work schedule for the Minor, and
informs this to Minor (and parent).
Company decides to apply either
for an Emergent Permit (Less than
2 days) or a Formal permit (More
than 2 days and upto 90 days)
for this particular minor.
Parent consults Minor's School Principal
and takes their recommendation on whether a tutor
on the production site is required
for educational progress of the minor.
Signed letter discussing the recommendations made for Minor.
Parent & Minor unofficially express their consent to the production plan
and request necessary arrangements for tutor (if recommended).
Based on requirement, Production
company performs the next steps for
obtaining necessary permits for
every minor on the set:
1. Flow: Emergent Permit
2. Flow: Formal Permit
Emergent Permit is required in case of Minors being present on the set for a total duration LESS THAN 2 DAYS.
Emergent Permit is required in case
of Minors being present on the set for
a total duration LESS THAN 2 DAYS.
Production Company
Production Company
Motion Picture Commission
Motion Picture Commission
Theatrical Permit Application filled
with relevant fields.
No need to fill Employment Certificate
or Special Theatrical Permit
Applications for Minors.
Fill out and fax the Theatrical Production Application to the
Motion Picture and Television Commission. Along with
the two lists on the left, on an official letterhead:
^Signed Letter on Official Letterhead:
1. Name of production
2. Date of shoot
3. Location of shoot, including
exact address of location
4. Exact hours of shoot
5. A very brief description of
the action involving the minors
6. A statement that reads
"no unusual or extraordinary safety
hazards will exist on the set"
^ List attached to the above letter
Include about each minor:
1. Name of minor
2. Names of minor's parents
3. Address of minor
4. Phone number of minor's parents
5. Name of school minor is attending
6. Birth date of minor
7. Age of minor
8. Name of school minor attends
(only if working on school days)
9.Under-eight Minors will
be subject to medical tests.
Please contact the commission staff.
Check for inconsistencies.
If none found, forward
the details of application to
DOL in a timely fashion.
enters DOL system.
FORMAL PERMIT is required in case of Minors being present on the set for a total duration MORE THAN 2 DAYS (UPTO 90 DAYS).
FORMAL PERMIT is required in case
of Minors being present on the set for
a total duration MORE THAN 2 DAYS
Production Company
Production Company
Minor Actor
Minor Actor
Minor's Parent
Minor's Parent
School District Issuing Officer
School District Issuing Officer
Company performs the following:
> Fills Theatrical Production Application Form –
detailing the minor's performance and the
location, dates and times of performance.
> Document information detailing what the
minor will be doing and the dates and times
each minor will be performing or rehearsing.
>Attach script pages that pertain to the
minor's performance and call sheet.
Production company will intimate the Minor and
Parent to complete their due responsibilities
in getting the Permit.
Minor requests parent's permission letter
and their assistance as necessary and visits
the school issuing officer with
the documentation listed below.
a. Proof of Age
b. Proof of Recent Physical
c. Under age 8 – Visual Acuity Test
d. Social Security Card
e. Non-Citizen – Permit to work in USA
f. Parental Permission letter
_1) authorizing minor to work on production
_2) designating by name the adult parent,
guardian or company representative who will
be responsible for the direct
care of the minor and responsible for the
supervision of the minor at all
times on set or while the minor is living
away from home as an incident of such employment.
g. Letter signed by School Principal stating
that the parent and school have discussed
the "equivalent education" for the time period
that the minor is required to attend
school, and the parent is aware of
school work required to make-up the
school lessons or that the school is requiring
a tutor on the production site for the
continued educational progress of the minor.
NOTE: If the school advises the parent
that a tutor is necessary, then the
production company must supply the tutor from the
date required by the school principal.
h. Instruct the school issuing officer to contact
the Department of Labor & Workforce Development,
Division of Wage and
Hour Compliance,
School To Careers/Child Labor
Unit at 609 984 3002
Pay a visit to the School Issuing Officer
with the aforementioned documentation.
Inform the completion of formalities and allow the minor,
along with appointed guardian, to visit production premises.
Production Company will do the following
before starting production.
1. Maintain copies of all documentation
listed for the "Parent/Minor."
2. Must forward all copies to the State
Department of Labor and Workforce Development
prior to production. This information can be
faxed to 609-984-1279. However, it is
preferred that all information is mailed
prior to production or rehearsal in order to
protect the confidential nature
of the information.
3. Mail a copy of each Theatrical Permit to
the State Department of Labor and
Workforce Development.
4. Maintain a copy of each Theatrical Permit
A-310 for each minor on the set for
the entire production.
5. Maintain Time Records & In/Out times
for each minor and payroll records.
6.Arrange tutorship for as per the
School recommendations for each Minor.
Submit the documentation to DOL and maintain
compliance with Child Labor Laws of the state.
Production Company must comply with the
Child Labor Laws regarding the hours
of performance:
. (1.) A minor can be on the set for
8 hours per day. The 8 hours is composed of
5 hours of work, including rehearsal, and
3 hours of rest, meals and education
if attendance at school is required.
. (2.) A minor under 16 years old who attends
school that day can only work
3 hours after school that day.
. (3.) A minor in a stage performance can perform
2 shows per day, but no more than
8 shows or productions a week.
. (4.) A minor can only work a total of 24 hours
in a week.
. (5.) A minor can only work a total
of 6 days in any week.
. (6.) A minor can be on a set for a continuous
8 hours between 7 a.m. and 11:30 p.m.
If the filming of a minor creates a safety
hazard to the minor, a special waiver
permission to work after the prescribed
time must be requested in writing, addressed to
the Director of the Division of
Wage and Hour Compliance.
This is done if the film sets must be
utilized after a site is closed to normal
day traffic or if streets must be closed.
Waivers are not granted for working more than
8 hours in any day.
. (7.) A minor is not permitted to participate
in any prohibited performance as described in
N.J.S.A. 34:2-21,57c or in any indecent or immoral
exhibition. In addition, minors are not permitted to
work in, on or about power-driven machinery as
described in N.J.S.A 34:2-21.17 et seq., or in, on,
or about explosives, flammable liquids, pyrophoric
liquids, combustible liquids, corrosive
materials, radioactive substances and ionizing
radiation, carcinogenic substances, toxic or
hazardous substances as described in the Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 1910.1000 of Subpart Z
of 29 CFR part 1910, and in, on, or about all other
hazards listed in the State Child Labor
Regulations, N.J.A.C 12-:58 - 2.1 through 4.17,
. (8.) You may contact the State
Motion Picture & TV Commission with initial
production- related labor questions at:
enters DOL system.